Do you know your introvert energy drains?
It's so important to know what those are because it will help you understand why you're feeling tired, irritable or why all of a sudden you're snippy with your loved ones, seemingly for no reason at all!
Yes it could be just good old moodiness for various hormonal reasons, but it could also be because you're like me: a fellow innie just trying to maintain some peace in your life.
Having regular me-time is an amazing way to maintain your sanity.
It's taking time to recharge and bring yourself back to your normal, tranquil state.

I used to struggle so much with my identity.
Trying to understand why I wasn't like everyone else.
Why it was so easy for other people to make friends. To talk in front of crowds.
I envied the popular people.
Until I began to finally understand why I am the way I am.

God didn't make a mistake when he created you to be a little more thoughtful.
Okay who am I kidding, to wrestle with overthinking like your life depends on it.
Look, I get it. It's soo frustrating when you just need to decide if you want a caramel latte or a vanilla frappe.
And the pressure's on because you're in a line full of people. Because do you feel like something cold, or hot? And do you want it sweet or not so sweet, with or without whipped cream?
Because you know, it depends on a lot of things. Like what you'll eat for dinner later on, and whether you'll eat the other half of the dessert you saved from last night at the restaurant.
I get it more than you'll ever know, haha!
Okay, I digress.
I want you to know that you're special, just the way you are.
If you're not aware of your introvert super-powers, check out my post 4 Gifts an Introvert Wants to Give You and also my Guide for Introverts.
Hey friend, I made something for you.
It's a reminder to take a few minutes for yourself.
1. Stop what you're doing.
2. Grab some colored pencils, and print out your FREE coloring page.
3. Set a timer and turn on your creativity.
You've got to take some time for YOU. To recharge, to reset and to begin again.
Download your FREE coloring page! Just enter your email below, and it's yours. ♥
Also, while you're here, check out these related posts:
5 Easy Ways to Fit Self-Care Into a Stressful Day