5 Easy Ways to Fit Self-Care into a Stressful Day

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erica johnson

Today was a stressful day.

Had a hectic morning getting my toddler up to get him over to my Mom’s house.

I got pulled over for having my phone in my hand on the freeway (I know I know, I had a song idea and was recording a voice memo, smh).

Then I had some errands to run and got some news that turned me into a complete frazzled mess!

I got home and vented to my poor hubby, and his head began to cock to the side while I talked and talked!  My poor hubby, he is the best for sure.

As the day went on I knew I was in total need of some self-care.  Here are the things I did and often do to get me back to feeling like my normal self.


Today, I prayed and prayed, and talked and talked to God, all. Day. Long.  Sometimes I wonder if he gets tired of hearing from me.  But then I remember, that’s not who He is.  He’s the ultimate listener, and His love for me never allows the characteristic of impatience or weariness.  God’s love for me is patient.  And for that I’m so grateful!

Feel free to pray and pray and talk your way through your day with God.

He will lead you all the way through your stressful day.

Engross yourself in your favorite hobby

I have soo many hobbies in my life.  Music, reading, writing, crocheting, beginning sewing, drawing, painting, I could go on!  But my most heavy hobbies are also callings from God, and those are music and writing.

I immersed myself in writing a song today, as well as writing this post you’re reading!  Both of these things are so therapeutic for me.   They bring me calmness, focus, and joy.

So immerse yourself in your favorite hobby for a while.

Take a couple minutes to center yourself and do a thing you love.

Indulge in Your Favorite Treat

I’m not saying to eat your way through a mega sized hershey bar, a bag of chocolate chip cookies and chocolate ice cream every day.  Nope, definitely not saying that.  But I will admit I stopped and got an Almond Joy candy bar today.

I can’t tell you the last time I had one!  But later in the evening after dinner I thought out loud to my hubby and said, “You know what I want?  An Almond Joy!”  Hubby said “Uuugh gross!”

But I didn’t care!  I made a drugstore run and got my Almond Joy candy bar and it made my night. As long as I don’t do it every day,  it’s okay.

So go ahead girl, have a little of your favorite treat, or whatever you love that’s a little indulgent today!

Talk to your bestie

My obvious bestie is my wonderful hubby.  I’ve already said how I talked and talked his poor ears off.  But there’s just something about talking woman to woman to your closest girlfriend.

So while I was on my drugstore run for my Almond Joy I called my other bestie, my Mom!  (I had my earpiece in so no more tickets for that!)  I talked her through some of the craziness of the day and I told her where I was going now and what I was doing.

And you know what, after everything I’d gone through in the day, she didn’t guilt me for doing it!  She listened, and she understood.  And for that I’m so grateful!

So have a chat with your best girlfriend today.  It could be a friend, a co-worker or it could be a relative!  Whoever you feel is close enough to you that you can be honest and share your heart with.

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erica johnson

Take a me time break

I had about an hour of space in between errands today, so I decided to stop into Starbucks for a me-time break.  I had a couple of my favorite books with me, so I brought them in.  I grabbed one of my fave drinks, a vanilla latte and a pumpkin bread (yum!) and sat on a cushy chair.

As I sipped my delish latte, I flipped through my well highlighted inspirational book and let the words soothe and calm my soul.

I don’t visit the coffee shop often, but it just so happened I was able to do it today.  It just really helps so much because it’s one of my favorite places.

Take however much time you have whether it’s 5 minutes, or an hour, set your timer and try to fit in a few minutes of me time doing something that relaxes you.  You can do this from home or while you’re out and about!

I hope this helps to give you some ideas on what you can do right now to get you through a stressful day.

I hope you have an amazing day today, and every day,

erica johnson





erica johnson

erica johnson

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