Surviving Holiday Dinners Introvert Style

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How to Survive Holiday Dinners as an Introvert

Even as an Introvert, I love the Holiday season because it means some of the best things in life.

Holiday dinners with my family have always been special.  Preparing all the food with my siblings and parents, eating all the amazing dishes, and then laughing harder than I have all year while we play a family game of charades.

We talk and catch up with what’s going on with everyone, and we get to see how much our younger cousins, nieces and nephews have grown.

The Holidays are great, but the family gatherings, dinners, brunches, it can be a lot for Introverts.


Why Holiday Dinners can be Overwhelming for Introverts

1. People, yes people

Have you seen that t-shirt that says “Ew, people”? It’s hilarious because it’s really how many of us feel.  Especially when it comes to the Holidays.

Check this out for more about how Introverts feel about people.  These things are true, even in the way we relate to our families.

2. Location & Environment

Whether the Holiday function is at an Event Hall, a home, a restaurant, each location brings about it’s own challenges.

Visual esthetics of the venue, pleasant or unpleasant smells/odors, is it a tight squeeze because of the amount of people, these things have an affect on us.

Since may of us tend to be sensitive, it can affect our experience and therefore how comfortable we are in said environment.

3. Family Dynamics

Families are amazing, and every family has their own unique way of functioning.  And whatever way your family functions, Holiday gatherings have a way of intensifying that.

Sometimes families can be really complicated and dramatic.

Some families can be extremely laid back but yet have lots of quiet tension.

Some families love to be loud and rambunctious.

My Husband says my family is really quiet.

Whatever your family dynamic, I know family can be a lot to be around sometimes.  It can be emotionally and physically draining for Introverts, which makes it difficult to really be comfortable.

Top Tips for Surviving Holiday Dinners as an Introvert

I had someone comment on one of my videos “please don’t give away all our secrets.” I really didn’t know what to do with that comment, it kinda struck me.

This blog is definitely a risk, and I realize that.

I’m opening up myself in a way I never have before.  I’m giving away some secrets here because I genuinely want to help you.

Mental preparation is key

Mentally prepare yourself ahead of time.  Keep in mind that you have lots of socializing to do soon and plan your life accordingly.

Us Introverts can’t stand last minute plans, the good thing is usually we know ahead of time what dinner plans will be.  Use that to your advantage.

I start gearing up the week before a big gathering.

Get your energy storage up

Start storing up your energy.  Try not to physically exhaust yourself close to when you’ll have to be really social.  Get as much rest as you can.

Do you get quiet?

I usually get a little quiet when I know I have a ton of socializing to do.  It’s not something I have to tell myself to do, it just comes naturally.

I’ve learned that setting some intentional quiet time where I can just be quiet before an event is extremely helpful.

Dress accordingly

Dress comfortably.  Tight belts and bodycon dresses at holiday functions where I’ll be eating food does nothing but make me self conscious and uncomfortable.

For you, maybe it’s wearing certain fabrics that make you feel a certain way.

Whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable, don’t wear it.  We tend to be sensitive to all types of things, even and especially clothing.

So make sure you take a moment to make sure you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing.

Relax, relate, release

Seriously, relax.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about being an Introvert is accepting myself and loving me, just as I am (wrote a book about it too!) Just be yourself.

Other people might be uncomfortable with who you are, but that has absolutely  nothing to do with you.

Why are you so quiet?

Did it make your skin crawl to see this question in bold? Ugh.

This is one of the few times we usually don’t have to deal with this question because our families know us.

Take full advantage of reveling in this because usually when it comes to big events and gatherings, it’s one of the most annoying questions that we’re bound to be asked.

Enjoy the Holiday gatherings, dinners and functions with your loved ones, and leave some Holiday Survival tips in the comments!

For more an Introverts, check out these articles:

Incredibly Magical Quotes Every Introvert Must See

Things Introverts Hate vs. Things Introverts Love

15 Ways to Recharge Your Energy as an Introvert

How Introverts Survive Holiday Dinners

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