Why Introverts Don’t Like People

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Why Don’t Introverts Like People?

Go to “the Googles” and type in “ew, people,” and you’ll be in a sea of introvert regalia.

T-shirts, wallpaper, videos, you name it.

It’s true.  Introverts are famous for not liking people.

We avoid them at all costs.

We don’t answer or return phone calls, we don’t show up to events we said we’d come to.

If we’re out in public and we see a familiar face we duck our heads, turn fast on our heels and book it to the nearest exit.


Here’s another perspective:

Introverts are often misunderstood, and we actually do not hate people.

GASP!  You don’t know what you’re talking about!  No way!

Well… here’s what I think.

I think it’s a common misconception of introverts that people think we don’t like people and that’s just not the case at all (for the most part).

Small Talk is the Bane of Every Introvert’s Existence

So first of all we don’t like small talk, and we don’t like chit chat.  But here’s why: it just doesn’t energize us. It actually depletes our energy.

Extroverts get their energy from talking to people, being around people,  that’s how they get their energy.

Introverts get our energy from quietness, from being alone, from alone time.

So it’s kind of the opposite for us.

If we’re going to use our energy, we’d rather use it for a meaningful conversation.

People Can be Draining for Introverts

Just because we don’t get our energy from chit chatting with people doesn’t mean we don’t like people. It’s just not how we’re wired.

We’re not wired to get our energy from people. We’re not wired to spread ourselves out over tons of acquaintances.  This is actually extremely draining for us.

Introverts are wired to have a few deep, purposeful, meaningful relationships that we can pour ourselves into.

Meaningful Connections are Important for Introverts

We like people, we just tend to gravitate towards the people that connect with us, the people that we connect with.

If we don’t feel like we’re connecting with somebody, we don’t feel like there’s an exchange there, we likely would not have a relationship with that person because there’s no connection there.

Connection is what’s meaningful for introverts, that’s what we’re drawn to.

Some Introverts Will Still Say They Don’t Like People

Now there will be some people that will say look, I don’t like people.  I’m an introvert and I don’t like people. And hey if that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel, and you have the right to feel that way.

BUT, I’d venture to say that I think some introverts don’t understand themselves.  And they don’t understand that it’s probably just that they only like certain people.

So, Do Introverts Like People?

I guess the conclusion is there’s no clear cut answer to this question, because it’s just not a cut and dry answer.

I personally feel the answer is yes! We like people.

However mostly, we like our peopleThe people that we genuinely connect with.

More about Introverts:

How to Handle a Low Introvert Social Battery

They Used to Tease Me and Call Me a Mute: A Guide for Introverts

How to Make New Friends as an Introvert

Why Introverts Don’t Like People


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