How to Handle a Low Introvert Social Battery

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For Introverts: How to Handle a Low Social Battery

“As an introvert how do you deal with people who like to hold meaningless conversations about themselves and their emotions without getting irritated?”

This was a question presented to me on a TikTok video, so I decided to respond because well, it’s something we all deal with: the infamous Introvert Social Battery.

First off, Introverts cannot stand small talk!!!

I knew immediately what my Innie friend meant just from the word “meaningless.”  If conversations have no depth or meaning, you’ll be hard pressed to get anything good out of us.

I promise we’re not being mean, it’s just the way we’re wired.

Why Introverts like depth

Introverts tend to be deep thinkers (sometimes overthinkers), so we like to think.  And we like conversations that cause us to think with depth.

We feel deeply, we hear deeply, we love deeply, care deeply.

So we like conversations that mean something, and get this: conversations with depth will also drain our social battery.  But we’d rather be drained by a deep meaningful conversation than meaningless chit chat.

Irritation aka low Introvert social battery

Irritation is not bad, per se.  It’s a sign that something needs to change, and you need to change it as soon as possible.  Because nobody likes the feeling of being irritated.

Introverts are drained by people, while extroverts are charged by people.

Extroverts are actually energized by people and socializing with them.

So it’s really important to be aware of your battery and know how to keep it charged depending on the situation you’re in. Otherwise we’ll shut down, and this is when you may want to call us antisocial (which actually doesn’t apply).

Introverts gain energy or recharge by spending time alone and being quiet.

Protect your peace

You don’t have to be anybody’s dumping ground.

Yes, introverts tend to be very good listeners, it’s one of our superpowers.  But that doesn’t mean you have to let people drain you.

I’m not saying you need to be rude to people and push them away.  I’m specifically talking about situations that don’t serve you in a positive way.

How to prevent your social battery from draining completely

Here are a few practical ways to protect your peace as an introvert and prevent social battery drainage.

Put in earbuds

If you’re in an environment where you can wear earbuds, put them in!  You can listen to music or a podcast, or you don’t even need to play anything at all if you don’t want to! No one has to know you’re listening to nothing.

It’s just a deterrent.  When people see the earbuds, they won’t be so apt to talk to you.

Don’t engage

Smile and nod and be friendly but don’t engage in the conversation. Eventually they’ll get the hint when they notice they’re getting no input from you.

Physically turn your body or remove your self

If they aren’t getting the hint sometimes just physically turning your body away from them helps.

For example if you’re at work and working at your desk, physically turn away, and start working on something.

If they still don’t get the hint, excuse yourself and take a bathroom break, or grab your mug for a coffee refill.  Just do what you gotta do to get outta Dodge!

So, what if you’re on the phone?

Phone? What phone? Introverts don’t talk on the phone!

I kid, I kid!

If you’re in a situation where you’re on the phone, just nicely let them know you’ve gotta go.

You can say something like, “oh I’ve got another call coming in, I’ll call you right back” if you’re an empath like me and you care way too much about how they’ll feel about you ending the phone call.

If you’re not an empath, just hit them with the truth!  “I’ve gotta go, talk to you soon!”

That’s it! It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Final thoughts on a low introvert social battery

Low introvert social battery is really a thing, and I wish I had known this years ago.  BUT, I’m glad I know it now because I can share this information with you!

So now that you’re aware of this, you’re empowered with more information about yourself.

When you’re out and about or in situations where you have to be social, try to check in with yourself.  If you notice yourself withdrawing and being quiet, there’s nothing wrong with you.

It’s very likely your battery is low, and you just need a recharge.

Check out my eBook Life as a Quiet Introvert for some candid stories, scientific facts and practical tips you can apply to your life!

Here are more posts on introverts:

How Do You Know If You’re an Introvert?

Are Introverts More Prone to Depression?

The Best Self-Care Tips & Ideas for Introvert Women

How to Handle a Low Introvert Social Battery

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