Are Introverts Gifted?

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How Introverts are Gifted

It’s taken me a long time to understand my personality and temperament.

It’s taken my whole life to finally understand that being an introvert is a gift.  And in turn, there are 4 amazing gifts that we love giving to others.

For quite awhile I thought there was something wrong with me.

At times in my life I tried to fit in with others, and I just never did.  It was so frustrating!

Yes, I’m an introvert.

I’ve learned that being an introvert doesn’t equal shyness, low self confidence or low self esteem.  It’s simply a personality type, that has strengths and weaknesses like every other personality type.

No, being an introvert is not a curse, it’s a gift.  And here are 4 things the introvert in your life would love to gift you with.


Introverts give the gift of deep connection

Introverts struggle terribly with small talk.  For me it is torturous.  Even texting small talk can be difficult and unfulfilling for us.

We value connecting deeply with you, being in the moment and sitting with you.  Being present with and for you is so important.  We want to really put our all into our time with you, and our strength is our ability to do that.

Introverts value quality over quantity.  We’ll take a few close friends over mass amounts of associates that we may never fully and completely know.

Connection is healing, and introverts are healers.

If we connect with you, there is usually a reason.  And it’s usually because there is an opportunity for us to aid in providing healing or helping you find it in some area of your life.

Introverts are Gifted with Great Listening Skills

Introverts do talk, believe me we talk.  There are certain people in our lives whom we will talk their ears off.

But we are also very good at listening to you. 

We will listen, and listen to you.  We’ll hear your concerns, your troubles, your joys, your happiness.  We will definitely give you advice, but not usually unsolicited.

Introverts Like Giving Their Undivided Attention

We love one on one time with you.  Yes we will go with a group, but honestly, not usually.

It’s actually pretty draining for introverts to hang in crowds.

We are deeply connected with purpose fulfillment, and we feel like our purpose is not being fulfilled in a large group of people.

Not only do we love giving our attention to one person, we feel like our purpose is being fulfilled when we do.

Introverts are Gifted With Passion

Introverts are usually deeply passionate about some type of cause we believe in.

We are writers, singers, artists, creatives, activists.  We can be very introspective which leads to deep thought and in turn deep values.

Contrary to what some may think, introverts can be comfortable on stages of various sorts.  Motivational speaking and performing music, playing instruments, and being in leadership positions.

Introverts make great leaders because there is lots of passion behind our life callings, and what we feel we were put on Earth to do.

We will sacrifice our comfort to help others heal, and bring healing to our crazy world.

Concluding Thoughts About the Ways in Which Introverts are Gifted

I hope this helps you understand the introverts in your life a little better.  And if you are an introvert, I hope this helps you understand yourself a lot more.

You are not cursed with shyness.  You are gifted with greatness.

Click below for more helpful posts on Introverts:

10 Fantastic Must-Know Spring Tips for Introverts

40 Creative Outlets and Hobbies for Introverts

A Guide for Introverts

How Introverts are Gifted?


4 Gifts an Introvert Wants to Give You

6 thoughts on “Are Introverts Gifted?”

  1. Erica this is an awesome read and very good information. I am an introvert and it has been interesting navigating these last five years married to an Extreme extrovert. Thank you for allowing God to lead you and for sharing.

  2. I really enjoyed your post. You said things that are so on point, as well as things I have not been able to say. Love it! Thank you Erica.😊

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