Am I Highly Sensitive? 20 Traits of an HSP That Will WOW You

Am I Highly Sensitive? 20 Traits That Will WOW You

“Don’t take it personal.”

“You let your feelings get hurt too easily.  You’re too sensitive.”

I can remember hearing these things even as a little girl, and especially as a teen.  I was a moody teenage mess.

I’ve been a sensitive person all my life, I just didn’t know it was “a thing.” Like, I thought it was just me.

I had no idea there was even a name for this until I started blogging about Introverts.

In my research about Introverts, I kept stumbling across something calling HSP, or being Highly Sensitive.  I then discovered Empaths and I saw the traits between Highly Sensitives and Empaths were extremely similar. Highly sensitive people are typically introverts whereas empaths can be introverts or extroverts, (though most are introverts).

I’ve learned that for many people (not all), being an Introvert can cross over into being a sensitive soul as well. Personally I classify as an empath because I can feel other people’s energy and find it hard sometimes to distinguish mine from others.

I’m going to use both terms in this article because they’re so similar.  Just know that if some of these things are a little too intense to describe you, you may be more of an empath than an HSP.

Why do Highly Sensitive People exist?

After learning about the traits of Highly Sensitive people, I immediately wondered, why do we even exist?

This is sort of a complicated question, and I’m still learning the answer to this.  Many say HSPs and empaths are healers.

Empaths are able to feel and sense other people’s feelings (hurts, joys, disappointments) on a very intense level, making us a soothing presence in the midst of a hard, cold world.

Some of us may also be genetically predisposed to high sensitivity due to a genetic trait called sensory processing sensitivity, or SPS. Sensory Processing Sensitivity is a genetic trait that causes one to have an above average level of sensitivity to the world around us.

There is also a psychological explanation that exists that involves trauma.  It’s believed that empaths need to first heal our trauma, then master our boundaries. Finally we’re to learn to simultaneously separate ourselves (our emotions, feeling and senses) from others and still use our gift of empathy to tap into and relate to them at the same time.

It’s a lot. And it’s pretty deep.

BUT, baby steps because ba-byyy, smh.😒 Here’s an article that has a really good explanation from this point of view.

If you think you may be a sensitive soul, this is for you.  Here are 20 traits of a Highly Sensitive Person.

Your Feelings Get Hurt Easily

You’re often told you’re too sensitive, and they’re probably right.  But that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.

There’s nothing wrong with you, AT ALL. You’re able to actually *feel* your feelings.  It’s a trait that’s often frowned upon by society, but it’s what makes you unique and special.

You Connect With Very Few People

You very likely have a small circle of friends and/or family that you truly trust.  You don’t open up to or trust many people.  So when you do, these relationships are very special to you.

You Hate Small Talk

You don’t care for chit chat, you much prefer a meaningful conversation.  Chit chat just drains your energy like a slow draining sink. After a while you just start looking for it to end.

You’re an Overthinker

It’s not my most glamourous trait, but it’s so true.  HSPs do think quite a lot because we’re in our heads so much.  We constantly search for reason, meaning, and understanding.

You probably can’t stand ambiguity, it has to make sense to you.

You’re Sensitive to Different Environments

You’re very sensitive to everything you feel in different environments.  In the workplace, in a store, at home or a family gathering.  You may feel a strong sense of peace at church, or a strong sense of unrest at a family gathering. You often wonder if anyone else feels it, and sometimes you’re the only one. It can leave you feeling alone.

You Often Feel Like You Don’t Belong

It’s very likely that you constantly feel out of place.  Like and alien from outer space.  You feel like you just don’t belong anywhere.

If you’re like me, you more than likely were never a part of the cool crowd in school.  I was almost always a loner.

You Can Sometimes Sense Outcomes of Situations

Sometimes you can just feel where something is going.  You don’t necessarily know it, but you can *feel* it in your soul.

You Can Read People Very Well

You can tell who people are in one conversation. You can feel and sense if they’re someone you’d want to be around because you can feel their authenticity.  HSPs are authentic and we search for genuineness.

You See Through all the BS

They can tell you what they want about a situation and try to make you believe it’s one thing.  But your senses tell you a completely different story and you can see through it all.

Your Senses Can be Easily Overwhelmed

Loud noises, bright lights, strong smells and odors can overwhelm you.  You’ll retreat if you can, but if you can’t you’ll very likely need some quiet time alone to recharge.

Last Minute Plans or Changes Make You Feel Out of Sorts

You can’t stand doing things at the last minute.  You love having time to prepare, and when you don’t it makes you feel out of whack. Like, it gives you slight anxiety because now you have the pressure of less time.

You Can’t Stand Watching the News

You avoid certain levels of violence on tv or in movies, and you definitely can’t stomach the news.  Most of the news is bad, and it just brings you down.  You feel better not watching it.

You Need Time to Recharge

You need time to decompress after lots of life stimulation, whether social or just being busy. You notice when you aren’t intentional about this, it can lead to burnout.

Crowds Can Overwhelm You

Being in crowded places can be overwhelming for you.  Places like busy festivals or huge concerts, even though you may enjoy the festivities, I can be incredibly draining.

You Don’t Mind Alone time

You don’t mind spending time alone, in fact it’s often welcomed.  You notice a relief from the pressure of life, and you feel refreshed and recharged after.

You Limit Undesirable Situations

You can’t stand confrontation and other negative situations because they’re extremely draining for you.  They bring you down, so you stay vigilant about limiting these types of interactions as much as you can.

You Have Strong Empathy for Others

You care a lot about other people’s feeling and you almost always feel them.  On top of feeling your own.  It can be so overwhelming but we’re just out here doing all the caring and feeling.

You’re Sensitive to Subtleties That Are Often Unnoticed by Others

You see it, you hear it, you feel it all.  They think you don’t, but you do!

You’ve Been Told You’re a Great Listener

Your ears are open, and you’re Highly Sensitive.  It just goes with the territory! They’re right, you are a great listener.

You Love Nature

Being in and around nature just makes you feel good.  You’ve never been much of a city person.  Like, you could visit the city, but you’d never want to live there.  The grass, trees and even water is soothing to you.

Concluding thoughts on Traits of an HSP

This is just a good start to learning if you’re a Highly Sensitive person. There is so much information available now so continue to research and learn more about yourself.

It took me a long time to get here, but it’s been so empowering to learn these things about myself.  I love sharing what I’m learning with you, and I really do hope this helps you.

Definitely subscribe to my newsletter to become a part of the community here and follow me on socials.

For more about Highly Sensitives or Empaths, and Introverts, check out these articles:

What’s the cure for being highly Sensitive?

Best Self-Care tips for the Highly Sensitive Person

They used to tease and call me a mute: a Guide for Introverts

Am I Highly Sensitive? 20 Traits of an HSP That Will WOW You



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