4 Ways to Navigate Through Life Transitions

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4 Ways to Navigate Life Changes and Transitions

Encountering life transitions in is totally inevitable, you’re going to go through them.  The question is how?

I’d just moved back home to Michigan after living in Los Angeles for 3 years.

Embarking on another major life transition, I decided to start Beauty School and get my Esthetician License.  I’d always loved the spa environment, and I love skin care, so I decided to go ahead and give it a go.

I was excited to start beauty school, but I knew it meant once again adjusting to a new normal.

Types of Transitions

  • A new job
  • Career field change
  • Moving to a new city
  • Death of a loved one
  • A new marriage
  • Pregnancy
  • A new School
  • Retirement

major life changes

1. Find a Focus

What is the main thing in your life you love to do?  What are you passionate about?

Is it a hobby?  Caring for a loved one?  Traveling? Art?

Whatever you’re passionate about in life, focus on that.

That really is the key to your happiness. And the happiness you exude from doing your passion, plus your actions that push you into them, lead you straight into purpose.  And purpose is the “main thing” that I’m talking about.

When you get distracted and you can’t find your focus, just come back to your purpose.

I try to always make sure that I’m focusing my energy on something that I love, gives me life, and keeps me busy and focused.

Whether I’m writing, searching for new opportunities to use my gifts, networking, whatever!

This helps me to stay encouraged and keeps me moving forward.

major life changes

2. To-Do Lists & Cork Boards

My Dad is the King of To-Do lists.  I remember driving in the car with him when he’d come to pick my brother and I up from elementary school.  He’d have the steering wheel in one hand, and a mini-notebook with a To-Do list scribbled halfway down the page in his right hand.

I just love my Dad, he’s so wise!  And you know what?  This has REALLY helped me to maintain my focus!  Oh the joy of crossing things off that list that I’ve completed!  Woo-hoo!  A great feeling of accomplishment, I must say.

Also I use cork boards to keep track of important documents I don’t want to lose. These really help, especially when you don’t exactly have a desk in your living space to keep things on.

3. Create a Plan

It can be difficult trying to come up with a plan in the midst of a transition.

It almost feels counter productive.  You feel like sure I’ll make a plan, but this plan may unravel in 5.3 seconds!

I understand, I really do.  But you’ve got to sit down with pen and paper and draft out a loose list of goals so you have something to focus on.

major life changes

4. Self-Care

Have plenty of self-care during transitions.  Remember to take care of your whole self: mind, body and soul.

Positive Thoughts

Think positively. If it’s difficult for you to do that on your own, find some inspiration!

Listen to podcasts or audiobooks.  Find some positive, motivational talks to listen to or watch on Youtube.

Find out what’s going on in your brain by doing a brain dump into your journal.  Get those negative thoughts and worries out, and fill your mind with new, uplifting, happy thoughts and encouraging words.


Exercise has never been my thing, however it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a powerful way to help you gain mental clarity and focus.

It also promotes the release of endorphins, the happy hormones into your bloodstream.

Keep God First

Stay connected to God.  There’s no one who understands better what you’re going through.  Talk to Him in prayer, or in your journal.  He can handle your deepest needs and your greatest desires.

Remember, transitions are only temporary.  And life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.  God is not in time, we are.  So while we’re waiting for the calm in our lives, we can take our time to allow Him to work in us and trust that He’s taking us to the next stop in our journey.

Thank you for being a part of mine.

Erica Johnson signature for blog posts on www.ericaunmuted.com

4 Ways to Navigate Life Changes and Transitions

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