Yes, I’m one of the people who cries when I see random acts of kindness videos, I have a soft spot in my heart for kindness!
I know how much a little kindness has affected my life, and I don’t often see it happening in the world around me. Change starts with us as individuals doing our part, one person at a time.
Kindness doesn’t have to be something that costs you lots of money. Here are 20 frugal acts of kindness you can offer to loved ones, family members and even those you don’t know.
Send a loved one a letter or card
Give a nice compliment
Smile at someone
Call and check on a friend
Donate gently used or unused items to local charities or libraries
Purchase an item you need from a local charity
Buy a box of Girl Scout cookies
Offer your business services for free to a person in need
Give a nicer than normal tip to your waitress or waiter
Buy the order for the person in front of you, or behind you in the coffee shop or drive through
Volunteer at a food drive, shelter or hospital
Give your spare change or food to people in need you encounter on the street
Treat a friend for coffee
Offer a ride to someone you know who may take public transportation
Run an errand for a new Mom
Take an extra minute to hold the door for someone
Give away a balloon to a child
Cook a meal and take it to a new Mom or sick loved one
Leave love notes for your loved ones
Host a game night for your family
I hope this gives you some ideas for things you can do right now that will invoke change, and help bring positivity and love to this world. For a little extra push, check out my song “Kindness” here!
Be the change you want to see.
Have an amazing day today, and every day,
This is such a timely amd relevant piece. In a world that thrives on negativity (at times) it is so important for us to show acts of kindness OFTEN. This is needed now more than ever especially for me as a mom desiring to raise children who are compassionate, caring, and loving. My babies learn a lot by way of watching my actions and they need to see me (us) showing kindness. What a helpful and timely reminder. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment Ni’Tasha! Yes it’s so important for our little ones to see us showing kindness and instilling these types of values in them!