What You Don’t Know About Degenerating Fibroids During Pregnancy

(Last Updated On: )

Erica Johnson

I was on my way to church, when I started suddenly getting an extremely intense amount of pain in my abdomen.  A wave of panic washed over me as I carefully managed to drive to church and park my car.

Walking into the church was not happening.  I tried to get out of the car and walk but the pain was so intense, I could not even walk.  I called my Husband, and my Mom.  My Hubby was in the middle of a service (he’s a musician), so my Mom and Dad came and got me from church and took me to the ER.  (Hubby ended up meeting me at the hospital right after his service.)

While I waited for my Mom to get to the church, an awesome prayer warrior of a woman from my church got in my car and prayed for and with me.  I was 25 weeks into my pregnancy, nearing the end of my second trimester.  I had no idea what was happening, but I tried to just pray and trust that God was in control and was covering my baby.

How I Discovered My Fibroids Were Degenerating

Once we got to the ER, they wheeled me in in a wheelchair, and took me to Triage.  They hooked me and baby up to a monitor to check his heartbeat.  Thankfully his heartbeat was normal and never waivered throughout this entire process.  I on the other hand, was in a tremendous amount of pain.

The Doctor did an ultrasound in order to see what was happening.  She did see the fibroids as well as my baby.  I don’t remember if she could literally see the fibroids degenerating.  However from the location of the pain, she could see it was where the fibroids were.  So she concluded over the course of my time there that it was probably my fibroids degenerating, or dying off.

Before pregnancy I knew I had at least 2 fibroids the size of small grapes.  But by 19 weeks into my pregnancy my OB/GYN discovered on my ultrasound that I had 3 fibroids, and two of them were the size of melons. Yes, melons!

They gave me morphine through an IV, but it didn’t give me any relief at all.  I mean I was in so much pain I couldn’t even speak.  What ended up helping the most was Indomethacin (Indocin).  Indocin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), and it’s safe to take until 28 weeks pregnant.

After a few hours, once it seemed that my pain had gone down and I could talk. They sent me home with the Indocin to take for 48 hours, and after I finished it I had no more pain, I was fine.

Until Wednesday of that week when I was on my way to conduct a drum audition at church.

Second Degenerating Fibroid Episode

I had another of the same episode, with the exact same amount of pain.  I actually thought it was just gas pain at first, but then it kept intensifying and I knew it was the same pain I had before.  Hubby took me to the ER again to see what was happening.

The Doctor said it was probably 2 of the fibroids degenerating again because of the location of the pain.  I had one fibroid behind my uterus, and one on the top right of it.  They gave me Indocin right from the start this time instead of the morphine which helped pretty quickly.  They sent me home with more Indocin to take for 48 hours and also Tylenol 3 with codeine (which I didn’t really take).

I took the Indocin and rested as much as I could, and all was well for the remainder of my pregnancy, thank God!!!

I was really nervous about taking meds while pregnant, but the Doctor’s assured me it was okay and that it wouldn’t harm the baby.

Through all this the baby continued to actively move which I was so thankful for.  And I can attest to the fact that the Indocin had no effects on my baby.  He’s healthy, happy and growing.

What are fibroids?

I’m not a medical professional but I can tell you in super layman’s terms.  Fibroids are actually very common, many women have them these days. Fibroids are abnormal growths that can form in the uterus. For some women they can become pretty large and cause extreme abdominal pain and heavy periods.  In my case I never had symptoms.  There is no known cause for fibroids.

So what happens when fibroids degenerate in pregnancy?

When this happened to me I scoured the internet trying to find information on this and really couldn’t find many personal experiences.  Just some medical documentation and a few forum posts from years ago.

I’ll try to explain it how my Doctor said it to me.  Fibroids degenerate, or die when they no longer have access to what’s keeping them alive.  They’re no longer getting the same blood supply, nutrients and oxygen they were getting because your growing baby is using it up (remember they generally form on or inside the uterus).  Your baby needs the blood, oxygen and food to grow!

The fibroids were growing right along with my baby!  But there came a point where my baby was fighting harder for that blood and those nutrients, so the fibroids had to go without.  Which caused them to begin to die.  This is what caused all the pain I was having.  If you want more in depth info in medical terms, check out this article here.

I thank God my bubs survived all that, and boy was I a praying Momma.  He was a fighter in my womb, and he fought through.  I’m so, so thankful.

Disclaimer: I’m not a Doctor, just a new Momma wanting to help other new Mommas.  Please don’t replace this with real medical advice from your Doctor.

How to Relieve Degenerating Fibroid Symptoms

Go to the Emergency Room

If you believe you’re experiencing this or you have any type of excruciating pain, the best thing to do is go to the ER so they can treat you.  They’ll put you and baby on a monitor and see what’s happening.  The best place to be is under the care of physicians who are experienced and know exactly what to do.


Rest.  Rest, rest, and more rest.  Rest as much as you possibly can once you get home to give your body time to heal and recuperate. Drink Tea, drink water, take a nap, watch a series on Netflix, do the best you can to do nothing for a while.

Ask Your Doctor for the Best Pain Relief Options

You Doctor will provide the best options for pain relief possible, as they are aware of what’s best for baby at specific times in your pregnancy.  You want to make sure nothing you take will harm baby in any way.  I was concerned about taking meds while pregnant, but I knew I was in great hands.

No Heating Pads

I just want to note this because you will be tempted, oh boy will you be tempted.  But do not use heating pads on your abdomen, it is NOT safe for baby.  If your doctor approves, you can use one on your back for back pain, but definitely not on your tummy.

Other Things About Fibroids

Fibroid Removal

Some women have told me Doctors can remove your fibroids during a c-section.  My Doctor informed me that it could cause too much bleeding so she doesn’t recommend it.  Ask your Doctor about this if this is something you’re wondering about.

You can definitely have them removed after pregnancy though if this is something you’re interested in doing.  Technology has advanced these days so there are non-invasive ways to do this now.  If this is something you want to do, definitely check into it.

Fibroid Prevention and Elimination

According to my research, fibroids can be prevented or will shrink if you eliminate sugar and animal products from your diet, and live a healthy lifestyle.  The reason is because fibroids thrive off of sugar and hormones.

Animal products carry hormones that can disrupt the hormones in your body, which then can affect the systems of your body.  This is one of the reasons lots of women go vegan.

I say you have to do what’s best for you.  Take things one day at a time.  If you think you have to ability to eliminate all sugar from your diet, and all animal products, as long as your Doctor approves, go for it!  Personally I have not achieved this, but I’m working on improving my diet.  Check out this interesting article here on Shrinking Fibroids.

I hope this helps you and gives you some answers to questions you may have about this.  I hope you have an  amazing pregnancy, and an awesome day today, and every day!

erica johnson






erica johnson



erica johnson



10 thoughts on “What You Don’t Know About Degenerating Fibroids During Pregnancy”

  1. Hi Erica, thank you so much for sharing your experience also with the other ladies that have commented. Knowing you are a Christian and learning your response to your circumstances is encouraging. I am currently 14w6d, I began feeling this excruciating pain about 2 days ago but yesterday went in to see my doctor who informed me that one of the fibroids was degenerating. He also checked for my baby’s heartbeat using a dopler and everything was fine. Before my visit, in the night I couldn’t sleep and prayed to God asking that He should go before me and remove any negative report. From your testimonies I trust God to be with my baby and I till I reach full term. It’s amazing to know that the pain eventually stops, it’s so excruciating. I had also been considering to get them removed during the csection but I guess it may not be all that safe.

    1. Hi my friend! Aw I completely understand where you are. Yes the pain can be so scary because you’re worrying about the health and safety of your baby. My nurses assured me my baby couldn’t feel that and knowing that helped me a lot. Hang in there Mama! God’s got you ♥♥♥

  2. Hi Erica! I want to thank you for writing such an amazing article! I pray you and your baby are doing well! I actually just went through what you went through last night, and I was so scared! But as you mention how your baby’s heartbeat never wavered, so did mine! Praise God and I thank God immensely! They have me on indomethacin as well and provided me with Tylenol through IV while at the hospital. They also labeled my visit as preterm labor due to fibroids because as the doctor explained “while the fibroid degenerates creates uterine contractions.” I will continue praying, resting, and leaving my stress to God. I thank you again and God bless you for doing this.

    Peace and blessings to you and your family

  3. Hello thanks so much for sharing your story❤️ Thank God everything else besides the pain went well and you had a healthy baby. God is so faithful🙌🏾. I’m praying daily for the same outcome. I’m currently 13 weeks and I have 5 fibroids, one is 10 cm in size (grapefruit) and the other 4 are smaller than that. Not seeing many stories about fibroids and pregnancy make the nerves come lol but that’s when I just pray even harder. Were you able to have a vaginal birth? And if not how did the c section go? Oh how far along were you once you delivered? So sorry for all the questions lol but girl I’m so curious lol🤗🙏🏾❤️. Thanks for your time and I pray this reaches you.

    1. Wow thank you so much for commenting! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. My doctor wasn’t sure if it would be possible but since the fibroids didn’t block the birth canal in any way, I was able to have a vaginal birth. I know when I was laying in the ER, searching the web for info and other experiences like mine, I couldn’t find much. So I wanted to put my experience out there. I was 38 weeks when I delivered, but my tummy was actually way past 40 weeks. I ended up inducing with pitocin. Try to rest and trust that God is in control. Rest, rest and more rest. I’ll say a prayer for you!!! You and baby will be just fine. Please keep me posted on how things go for you! ♥

      1. I know I’m late but I had to update you girl. I had my son March 12th 2021. I gave birth to him at 39 weeks via C-section. He was 9lbs and 3oz and healthy. He is now 2 years old. My pregnancy was great with no issues. I was only uncomfortable in the final weeks with pelvic pressure. He probably would’ve waited the full 40 weeks had I not begged my doctor to evict him
        Lol. God is able and is so good. My delivery didn’t go as planned. I wanted a vaginal birth but he didn’t want to come as he flipped from head down face down all the way to laying side ways. Guess he was comfortable lol. I did lose a significant amount of blood and needed a transfusion but everything still went great.

        1. Oh woooow thank you so much for the update!!! I’m so glad you and your son are doing well and healthy. Yes pregnancy can definitely have unexpected twists and turns but it’s so amazing to be a part of bringing life into the world. Yes indeed God is so very good!!♥♥♥

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