Don’t Let These 2 Things Hold Back You Music Career

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Don't Let These 2 things hold back your music careerI’ve recently seen some conversations online that have bothered me.  These comments are regarding whether or not you should be pursuing a career in music. Normally things like this don’t ruffle my feathers, but for some reason, this has.

I came across comments saying:

  1. Music is not a legit career path
  2. If you haven’t put enough time into practicing your craft, you will not be successful
  3. Maybe music isn’t for you to pursue if you’re not that good at it

My rebuttal to that is this:

  1. You have a lifetime to practice
  2. Practice makes you better and better
  3. Becoming a great singer or musician is a process, and it takes time

Here are 2 things you shouldn’t let hold you back from a career in music.

1. You’re not the best singer or musician

Maybe you’re not the best singer, or the best musician, so what!  That means nothing!  Do you know how many mediocre people are in the music industry?  And I don’t mean that in a mean way.

Things are a lot different today than they were in the past.

Everyone has a chance to make it big these days.  Literally.  If you have access to a smartphone, you have a change. All you need is a little bit of gumption to put yourself out there.

Social media has exposed so many talented people who are amazing (and not so amazing) in music.  And you know what?  You have the same playing field as everyone else in the music industry.  Now is as good a time as any to take a chance.

In all your endeavors keep this in mind:  You will never be “insert famous person’s name”, because you are not them.  You are you!

You have to be the best YOU, that you can be… the YOU that God created you to be.

Practice, practice, practice, and you will get better, and better!

Don't Let These 2 things hold back your music career

2. You don’t like being up front and center

Maybe you’re not called to be in the forefront.  Maybe you will be a background singer.  Or maybe you were called to be on the praise team at church and not the Praise Leader.  You will find your peace, joy and hope in being where God has called you to be!

Some people actually like being in the background.  There are singers who tour the world just singing background vocals, and getting paid to do it!

When you understand who you are, and where God called you to be, it really won’t matter much how you use your gift!  What matters is that you are using it!

Somebody once told me “God would not give you the gift of singing for you not to use it.  That would be stupid, and God doesn’t do stupid stuff!” lol.

Whatever you have down in your soul, follow your gut and don’t listen to the naysayers.  If music is something you just can’t shake, it’s God’s way of pushing you to where He wants you to be.  A place that He created you to flourish and grow into the awesome, amazing person you will become.  Flowing in your God-given gift!

He will lead you right to the space He created just for you.

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