3 Ways to Help a New Mom Right Now

erica johnson

When me, my Husband and our new baby came home from the hospital, we had no idea what was in store for us.

Hubby and I were so thankful and happy to have our new little one!  We were also tired and just a bit overwhelmed by the events that lead up to the moment we walked into our home as a family of three.

If you have a new Mom in your life, and you’re trying to figure out how you can help, here are the three things that help a new Mom the most.

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Bring or send food to her home

When our friends and family brought food over to our home, that was the best expression of love we could’ve received.

Before having our baby, I scoured the internet and came across video after video of Momma’s making bulk frozen freezer meals and stocking their pantries.

As a new wife, married for only a year and a half, I hadn’t gotten extremely far into what goes into preparing for an extended time of being at home.  I think I managed to do one freezer meal of lasagna, but that was it.  I tried!

But my family came all the way through on the food, I was so thankful!!! I mean they brought chicken salad, pasta, baked chicken, veggies, chicken pot pie, spaghetti, to name a few things.  And not having to worry about what we were going to eat was so hugely helpful.

If you’re not comfortable with preparing food, or going to the grocery store, I recommend checking out Amazon Prime Pantry, or arrange a Grocery delivery from a local Grocery store!

Give advice and be a listening ear

I’m so thankful for the women in my life making themselves available to help me through this transition.

They talked me through breastfeeding, clogged milk ducts, and sitz baths. They told me when things were normal and when to see the doctor.

Just the simple act of answering the phone when I called was a blessing.

So definitely do check in’s and check in on that new Momma.  Lend a listening ear and be a support to her in this sensitive time.

Volunteer to watch baby

You have no idea how much naps mean until you’re up all night every 3 hours breastfeeding a newborn.  So many times during my breastfeeding journey I thought, who’s idea was this again?

Oh. Yeah. Mine.  Face to palm!!!

And who would’ve thought a shower could give you so much anxiety?  You get the baby down for a nap so you can shower, and then you’re constantly worried they’ll cry and wake up while you’re in it!

So having someone come by and watch baby so you can do just these three things was huge.

If you have a new Momma in your life, consider offering one of these things.  I promise you she will be so thankful.

PS, check out my related posts:

Breastfeeding for First Time Moms: Benefits, Challenges, Must-Haves + Tips

My First Week Postpartum + Newborn Jaundice

Sign up below for a free excerpt from my eBook, “Postpartum Healing Help for First Time Moms!”

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erica johnson

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