Hi there!
If you're having trouble with being an introvert, you're in the right place!

Are these some of the thoughts that frequently run through your mind?
♥ Something's wrong with me because I'm not like everyone else
♥ Why am I not comfortable opening up to people I don't know?
♥ I don't have many friends and I feel bad about that
♥ I'd rather watch paint dry than have small talk with strangers
♥ Why am I so exhausted after having a lengthy conversation?
Well, I have good news for you my friend:
You're okay, and you're on your way! ~ Joyce Meyer
It's taken me quite some time to come to a place in my life where I'm comfortable in my own skin.
For years I felt like there was something wrong with me because I'm an introvert.
I've since learned that there is in fact nothing wrong with me. It's perfectly fine to be me, just the way I am.
No matter what people think about me.
If you're not sure whether or not you're an introvert, check out my guide for introverts here!
If you are sure you're an introvert,
I want to help you get to a place where you're okay with being yourself.

Here are 3 simple ways to get started:
1. Accept yourself for who you are
There's only one you! You're exactly who you're supposed to be, just the way you are. Celebrate you, because you are amazing!
2. Filter through and find the lies you believe
Take some time to write down the lies you believe. Think about why you believe them. Write these things down so you can get a visual.
3. Replace them with the truth
Write down some powerful truths to replace these lies with. It will take some time, but you must replace these lies with new beliefs.
I created a FREE gift just for you entitled "20 Affirmations for Quiet Introverts." You can use this free gift to give you some ideas for new beliefs about yourself.
All you need to do is subscribe to my Newsletter by entering your name and email address below, and voila! It's yours!
I promise I won't bombard your inbox with a barrage of meaningless garble. I only send meaningful, useful info that will enrich your life!
And you'll get exclusive content that I don't post on the blog. ♥

You can also check out these blog posts:
They Used to Tease Me and Call Me a Mute: A Guide for Introverts
40 Creative Outlets and Hobbies for Introverts
Can't wait to see you back here soon!